We benefit greatly from many links and partnerships within our local and wider community. These include links with other local schools and organisations:

  • As a National Support School (NSS), and our head teacher a National Leader of Education (NLE), we provide support to other schools in Cumbria and further afield, and are involved in local and national initiatives to improve outcomes for all children.
  • The Bendrigg Trust (shared fundraising, shared events e.g. summer fete, entry for Kendal Torchlight Festival, use of Bendrigg Lodge outdoor education facilities, provision of our school lunches by the Lodge).
  • Beetham CE School (shared residential visits)
  • The KCP Kendal Collaborative Partnership of schools (shared sports teacher, programme of sports events, shared initiatives and training for heads and staff). .
  • University of Cumbria (students in school).
  • Milnthorpe Small Schools Consortium (shared initiatives and training)
  • Kendal Primary Partnership. Working with the University of Cumbria (UoC) for School Direct but led by the Primary and Nursery schools within the Kendal Collaborative Partnership (KCP). In total there are 29 schools from the Early Years, Primary, Special and Secondary sectors, all working together to train the next generation of outstanding teachers.

At Old Hutton School, we also aim to help our children to develop an understanding of their roles as global citizens. We want to raise awareness of multi-cultural and global issues across the whole school community, including an appreciation of the fact that what we do can make a difference to the lives of other people and environments around the world.

To this end, our school has become part of the South Lakes GLP (Global Learning Partnership) and has an established exciting, active partnership with Ecole Joachim Fode Ndiaye in Senegal,and L'Ecole Elementaire de la Visitation in Marseille, France, which links our pupils directly to children in the wider world.

These partnerships are a regular focus of shared topic work, partnership visits, fundraising activities and events and letter/email contacts. We also improve our French as we communicate with our French-speaking friends in Senegal.

The pictures show some of the exciting events we have enjoyed with a focus on our local and global links.