Welcome to Class 2...

In Class 2 you will find our Year 1 and 2 (aged 5 – 7) children. We are very lucky and have two teachers; Mrs Parsons and Mrs Hadwin, supported by our teaching assistants; Mrs Hastwell, Mrs Woof, Mrs Sunter and Miss Wise.

French is taught by Mrs Nelson

Music is Taught by Mrs Thomas

Teaching and learning for pupils in Years 1 and 2 is topic-based and includes a wealth of fun learning opportunities; practical activities, explorations, investigations, visits and visitors.  

English, Maths and reading activities are delivered daily within structured sessions which are pitched specifically to individual pupil’s abilities.

We provide lessons and activities across the whole curriculum, including weekly Forest Schools. Daily, there are sessions in Phonics, Handwriting, plus at least one lesson from the wider/foundation curriculum (Science, PE, RE, wellbeing, Geography, History, Art, Design Technology, Computing, Music).

Reading is taught through the Letters and Sounds Phonics programme which is delivered to meet individual needs and stages of development in discreet daily phonics sessions.  Pupils also learn to read with our wide variety of books in banded levels. Group guided reading sessions happen daily in class and pupils bring individual reading books home to share every day.

Our weekly forest school session enhances our topic work, understanding of the environment and seasons, social skills, risk taking and problem-solving.  

To find out more about our curriculum, please see the Curriculum, Long-Term and Termly Topic Plans documents on the Policies & Information page.