Welcome to our Church, St. John the Baptist, Old Hutton...

Our outstanding school was established by the Church of England and we are proud of our strong Christian foundation and family ethos. Our Christian values of Friendship, Forgiveness, Peace, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, Courage, Trust, Humility and Hope run through everything we do.

We have close links with our parish and local church of St John’s, which is just next door, as well as with the Diocese of Carlisle.  We are involved in many shared activities and events (some are shown in our photos here).  We enjoy a daily act of Collective Worship and our pupil-run Collective Worship Committee helps to organise this.  We also actively study other faiths through a variety of first-hand experiences which enable our pupils to develop a good understanding of our multi-cultural society.

Learning for Life ‘in all its fullness’

(John 10:10) 

Our vicar is The Rev'd Canon Angela Whittaker

Please contact her on 015395 60355 [email: ang.whitt68@googlemail.com]

Also see the Grapevine Parish Magazine (issued monthly) for all parish information including regular articles by our pupils too!

Collective Worship Committee

Welcome to our Collective Worship Committee . . . .

We are a group of pupils, elected by the school each year, who help to run our daily act of worship and other aspects of our work as a church school.

In our special Committee we take lots of responsibility for planning, leading and evaluating collective worship across school. We choose the worship themes for the year and help to organise displays and resources. We meet regularly with Rev Angela to share our ideas. We also enjoy organising events with members of the church, such as ‘Experience Easter’ and our church services.

At Old Hutton C of E school we have Collective worship everyday at 9:05am.

Monday Whole school Collective worship in Class 4
Tuesday Singing in Church
Wednesday Child led collective worship
Thursday Church service with Rev. Angela
Friday Celebration with Mr Turley


Child Led Collective Worship

On Wednesdays the children lead the worship. This is planned during the week and delivered by the children. Miss Brown supports this planning and preparation. Class 3 prepare Collective Worship for Class 1 and Class 4 prepare worship for Class 2.