Welcome to our Governors

Whilst the Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation and management of the school on a day to day basis, overall responsibility lies with the Governing Body. This includes assisting with the appointment of staff, having oversight of the curriculum and ensuring that the premises and finances of the school are efficiently and effectively used.  

The Governing Body, as a whole, meets regularly throughout the year, in addition to the meetings of its sub-committees.

All Governors are also linked to aspects of our current School Development Plan, which they monitor through visits to school and discussion with staff. Members are either elected (parent governors) or appointed (community and foundation members) and each holds a given term of office.

Co-opted Governor

If you or anyone you know is not a parent of a child at Old Hutton and is interested in becoming a governor, you/they could become a Co-opted Governor. Please see the above ‘Becoming a Governor Information Sheet’ for more details. There is no closing date for this vacancy, nor are any sponsors required. Anyone who is interested should send an email to: admin@oldhutton.cumbria.sch.uk to register their interest.Parent Governors

Your school needs you! If you would like to become a governor to help support and lead your school, please see the document below. We currently have no vacancies, but they do come up regularly. Please email to let us know if you may be interested

Becoming a Governor

Updated: 01/12/2021 165 KB

Parent Governors

Your school needs you! If you would like to become a governor to help support and lead your school, please see the document below. We currently have no vacancies, but they do come up regularly. Please email to let us know if you may be interested

'Learning for Life ‘in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)

Old Hutton C of E School Governors

Name Role Appointed Email and Telephone
          Sarah Williamson             Clerk 01/04/2019


01729 822143

Mrs Nicola Hills


Chair 22/09/2021 to 21/09/2025


01539 732778

Mrs Helen Loney


  24/11/2021 to 23/11/2025 hloney@oldhutton.cumbria.sch.uk

Mr Nick Turley


Headteacher 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2025



Miss Katie Brown


          01/09/2021 to 31/08/2025


01539 732778

Mrs Hilary Wheatley

Local Authority

Vice Chair 01/08/2021 to 31/07/2025


01539 732778

Mr Chris Granger


  24/02/2021 to 23/02/2025


01539 732778

Jim Bone


  30/11/2022 to 29/11/2026


01539 732778

Harriet Gilding


  14/03/2023 to 13/03/2027


01539 732778




Governors, Duties and Attendance

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Updated: 11/01/2023 568 KB


Register of Interests

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Updated: 06/05/2022 34 KB

Approved minutes

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Updated: 11/01/2023 317 KB
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Updated: 06/05/2022 299 KB
Updated: 06/05/2022 172 KB
Updated: 06/05/2022 296 KB
Updated: 06/05/2022 262 KB
Updated: 06/05/2022 284 KB
Updated: 01/12/2021 304 KB
Updated: 01/12/2021 271 KB
Updated: 01/12/2021 295 KB