Welcome to our Curriculum

Our whole school community has agreed and contributed to the creation of our own very special curriculum, which we call 

'Learning for Life ‘in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)

Ofsted (2022) says, 'Leaders have designed a broad and balanced curriculum. This meets the needs of pupils well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders have carefully considered what pupils need to know and the order in which it should be taught. This ensures that the curriculum works well for pupils who are taught in the mixed-age classes.'

This is underpinned by our 5 curriculum drivers, agreed key elements which inspire all our learning and which we believe should be experienced by and developed in every pupil:

Adventure; Wellbeing; The Arts; Environment & Community; Faith & Spirituality.

Curriculum Statement

Updated: 20/05/2024 96 KB
Updated: 21/09/2023 302 KB

We have an agreed Curriculum Statement and Guarantee to Learners which further define the character of our teaching and learning in school and our commitment to providing an excellent curriculum for every child. 

Our curriculum covers all aspects of the National Curriculum.

For more information about our exciting curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact school.