Welcome to Class 1...


Class 1 is our Nursery and Reception Early Years Foundation Stage Unit (aged 3 - 5) classroom, where our teacher is Mrs Hayes (Rachel), supported by a team of highly-skilled teaching assistants Kirstie, Jen, Jenny and Kirsteen. The staff are very experienced at ensuring that children settle well, are happy and make good progress. The curriculum is delivered through a series of topics; these are adapted where necessary to take account of the children’s interests and needs so that every child has the best possible chance of achieving their full potential.

Old Hutton School provides a play-based curriculum in a nurturing and motivating environment which fosters learning and development, leading ultimately towards the Early Learning Goals. Creative, exciting and carefully planned activities encourage children to be independent in their learning and find effective ways of working. This effective learning is embedded in everything we do and our knowledgeable staff model these characteristics on a daily basis.

Our well-equipped classroom with its wonderful continuous provision is enhanced by outside space in which children can explore, experiment and create. A weekly Woodland Explorer session also enriches our topic work, promoting understanding of the environment and the seasons and the development of social skills, risk taking and problem solving.

Reading is taught through ‘The Little Wandle’ Phonics programme which is delivered to meet individual needs and stages of development in daily phonics sessions. Group guided reading sessions happen every day in class; pupils also take individual reading books home to share and have access to online e-books.

Our Nursery and Reception class lays the foundation for future learning for your child’s journey through school and beyond. We firmly believe in the all-round development of our pupils: ‘Learning for life in all its fullness’.

You can find out more about applying for your child’s Nursery or Reception place by clicking on www.cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/schoolsandlearning/lss/schooladmissions.asp

We would be delighted to meet you and your child and show you everything we have to offer. Please get in touch to arrange a visit.