Welcome to our Parent Teacher Association

We have a very active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) with a wide and varied membership, including staff and parents.

The function of the association is to promote and facilitate an enriched educational and social environment at Old Hutton School. The group organises several successful fundraising and social events each year and has generously funded a variety of educational visits, visitors and resources to the benefit of all our pupils.

New parents and friends are always welcome! Come along and join us to support your school!

Events held this half term

Movie night 12th October was attended by 36 children and it raised £180.00

There is a cake sale straight after school tonight 20th October.

Christmas cards have been designed and templates are ready to order BY THE 24th October please!



Coming Up 

Wednesday 15th November: Bags to school collection of second hand clothing please be ready to donate

Christmas Raffle: there is a PTA team dedicated to this important activity, please let us know if you can source prizes we are aiming high with our fund raising target this year to beat the £1300 of last year.


Change of Officer team!

We are holding an EGM on the 2nd of November at 9am to vote a new PTA committee in, the roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Please join us at school for this meeting if you would like to. 


Thanks to all for you support and as ever to our dedicated PTA members for working to support our fantastic school.