Aims & Vision

Learning for 'Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)

Life in all its fullness is about living a varied and full life full of learning, growing, helping, reward, joy, excitement, love and caring for each other. At school we aim to help each other to learn how to do this. We know that it is not always easy to live life in this way and so we help each other with the challenges that come along the way. As a Church of England School we also look to Jesus to help and guide us.

Our Christian Values: promoted by all, in everything we do…

Friendship, Forgiveness, Peace, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, Courage, Trust, Humility and Hope

Our Curriculum Drivers - the key elements which inspire our school curriculum: Wellbeing, Adventure, The Arts, Environment & Community, Faith & Spirituality

Priorities for 2022-24

Our overall priority is to ensure that our children are healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve personal, social & economic wellbeing. To help achieve this, our specific priorities are:

Priority One: To embed an enquiry approach to the teaching and learning in History, Geography and RE.

Priority Two: To further develop our approach to teaching fluency in Maths.

Priority Three: To focus on maintaining and developing the quality of personal growth, wellbeing, mental and spiritual health of the whole school community.

Priority Four: To embed a reading culture across school. Focusing on reading for pleasure and reading across the curriculum.

Priority Five: To work in partnership with Lakeland Arts to further develop the art provision.