Hi Everyone!
How was your first day back at school?
I hope that you have all had a fabulous summer holiday and have spent the last 6 weeks doing special things! Comment below to tell me what you have been up to over the summer!
Apologies that I haven't been updating my blog - WiFi has been hard to get hold of whilst we have been travelling, but I will be making up for it now!
I will go back to the beginning and share my journey from the start (which was in Doha, Qatar) very soon. But for now, here is a sneak preview of my favourite experience so far...
Meet Tswale!
Yes, Miss Harrison has met, stroked, held, fed and HUGGED an Elephant! I will share more about Tswale in a future post and share lots of photos and videos later (including him playing peek-a-boo and nearly running me over! Oops!). For now, here is my favourite photo with him!
Can't wait to catch up with you all!
Miss H x